
Microsoft .NET Assembly


major, minor一般做法都差不多
使用API compatibility, feature來分別(major不同則可能破壞backward compatibility)

Build: A difference in build number represents a recompilation of the same source. Different build numbers might be used when the processor, platform, or compiler changes.

Revision: Assemblies with the same name, major, and minor version numbers but different revisions are intended to be fully interchangeable. A higher revision number might be used in a build that fixes a security hole in a previously released assembly.
參考: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.version.aspx

Semantic Versioning


這個在open source版本號安排滿常見

細節參考: https://semver.org/

linux shared lib:


The standard GNU version numbering scheme:


其他參考: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_versioning

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